What is a healthy diet?

Diet is the sum of foods consumed by a person. A healthy diet includes nutrient rich foods from all the major food groups that provide the body with the essential macronutrients and micronutrients.

What are major food groups?

The major food groups are:

a. Carbohydrate foods that provide energy such as cereals, green banana, roots and
tubers. For example, ugali, rice, millet, sorghum, maize, yams and potatoes
b. Protein sources for bodybuilding such as pulses, nuts, animal food sources and fish.
For example, beans, groundnuts, almonds, fish, meat, dagaa, poultry, eggs and dairy
c. Fats and oils extra energy: For example, butter, coconut oil, sunflower oil, cheese,
ghee, olive oil and margarine
d. Fruits that provide vitamins and minerals for protection and dietary fibers for gut
health. For example, avocado, pineapple, apple, banana, watermelon, pear and orange
e. Vegetables provide vitamins and minerals for protection and dietary fibers for gut
health. For example, spinach, cabbage, broccoli, amaranth, lettuce, pumpkin leaves
and cassava leaves.

How much food should I eat?

 Apart from consuming a balanced diet consisting of the major food groups, it is important to eat food in required amounts for the body to function properly. An average adult person requires between 1600 – 2600 calories depending on gender and level of physical activity. They also require adequate amounts of proteins, vitamins, minerals and fibers.

The general diet guidelines indicate that a meal should consist of 1 portion of protein, 1 portion of carbohydrates and two portions of fruits and vegetables. In other words, one can divide a plate into 3 parts: ¼ for proteins, ¼ for carbohydrates and ½ for fruits and vegetables. A portion for protein is equivalent to 1 – 2 open palms, for carbohydrates it is equivalent 1 – 2 handfuls, and fistful for vegetables. Remember to drink enough water also, which is about 2 liters per day.

The secret of serving size is in your hands. Your hands can be useful in estimating appropriate portions when planning meals

Dietary needs will vary depending on other factors such as age, sickness, hypertension, diabetes, etc. Contact us for personalized diet plans.

What are the benefits of health diet? 

A healthy diet is essential for good health, survival, growth, physical and mental development.
Eating healthy can help to protect against Non-Communicable diseases (NCDs) such as diabetes and heart diseases. It helps to maintain a healthy body weight and prevent obesity. 

Healthy eating also helps to strengthen immune system that fights against diseases thus reduce mortality.

What are unhealthy diets?

Unhealthy diets are made up of foods rich in sugar, low fiber, processed foods, fast foods, high sugar beverages and saturated fats.

 Unhealthy foods have a high level of calories, salt, sugar and fats, which are the leading cause of overweight and obesity, and other Non Communicable diseases (NCDs) such as diabetes and heart diseases.

 What are healthy carbohydrates?

Complex carbohydrates such as whole grains are health carbohydrates. Complex carbohydrates are richer in nutrients than simple or highly processed carbohydrate. 

They are also high in fibers that slow digestion, making them more filling. They are a good option for weight control.

What are unhealthy fats?

Trans and saturated fats are unhealthy fats. Foods high in bad fats include poultry, bacon, sausage, butter, margarine, fried foods, baked goods and pastries. Excessive consumption of such foods increases blood cholesterol, causing it to build in arteries and increase health risks such as strokes and heart disease. They also lead to unhealthy weight gain. Consumption of total fats should not exceed 30% of personal overall energy intake.

How can I eat more healthful?

  • Make sure that you consume a balanced meal in appropriate portions. Increase amount of
    fruits and vegetables in each meal
  • Limit intake of high fat, high sugar, high salt and highly processed foods
  • Drink enough water
  • Prepare food and eat at home so as to have more control on ingredients and portions
  • Plan meals in advance and shop in bulk when possible to have more control over diet
  • Engage your family and friends in eating healthy so as to have motivation
  • Choose food preparation methods that reduce salt, sugar and oil such as grilling, boiling
    and baking over deep frying for example